Product details
In practice, many vessels, silos and devices are connected by pipes, pneumatic conveyors and dust extraction or aspiration lines. If a dust explosion occurs, the flames and pressure waves can spread through these conduits to other parts of the plant. Pre-compression and flame jet ignition exacerbate the explosion in connected vessels. The results is a series of secondary explosions that cause even more catastrophic damage. An isolation system prevents explosions from propagating and thus minimises the consequences of an explosion. It ensures optimum protection for adjacent parts of the plant. Active systems have detectors or sensors which register the pressure rise or flames and trigger countermeasures, e.g. closing a valve.
The explosion isolation system Q-Bic™ is specifically suitable for large pipes or complex shafts geometrics for example in conveyors or bucket elevators in various industry applications.
- Effective discharge of the QXP™ via the spin jet extinguish nozzle SJX™.
- Green extinguishing powder QXP™ prevents cross contamination after activation.
- Electrical monitored pressure gauge.
- Easy handling due to integrated transport holder.
- Most cost-effective way to isolate large pipes.
- Flexible use due to variable mounting distances.
- Suitable for use at ambient temperatures from -20 °C to +60 °C.
- Hygienic mounting material available.
- Smart triggering device without explosives simplifies import.
Product reviews
active isolation